The flexible chipboard, a compound material of wood, cork and elastomers, allows new forms for round, curved or even twisted building / furniture parts and good sound insulation at per example dividing walls.
Standard-board- dimension:
2,50 m x 1,25 m
4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16 und 18 mm
Intermediate size or roll goods e.g. 9 mm on request, depending on the quantity
- bendable in any direction (also waveform)
- easy to deal with (cutting, drilling, milling, grinding and gluing)
- can be coated with many material
- to 95% of renewable raw materials
- free of formaldehyd
- strong curvatures are possible
- screw tightening possible
- new design ideas possible
- very low swelling behavior <0.6% after 72 hours of water bath
- weight per unit volume approx. 440 kg per cbm
- less wastage when using roll goods
Other dimensions on request.